I'm quite insulted, how dare you Marc Jacobs assume that we, his former fans are philistines? What exactly is a philistine? See below:
Philistine: A derogatory term used describe someone that is said to despise or undervalue art, beauty and intellectual content. Philistines favour conventional social values unthinkingly, favouring forms of art that have cheap and easy appeal.
Hhmph! the audacity!
Whenever I see silly things as this (below), I can not ignore the feeling that Marc Jacobs is taunting us, ridiculing our seemingly senseless philistine selves.

Well FYI Mr. Jacobs, I am NOT a philistine, and would NOT, EVER, pay $548 (USD- as on net-a-porter) for what appears to be the remnants from Ella Moss's factory.
So please stop feeding us kitschy crap such as below:
Don't these shoes remind you of the jelly shoes from K-mart/Zellers you wore as a kid?
Now you see that I'm not some raving, lunatic loser for thinking that he's treating me like a philistine; Jelly shoes? Does that not scream CHEAP & EASY appeal?
With all due objectivity, it's not the overdone shape of the shoe that's the serous problem, it's the commercially crass JELLY.
If Marc really wanted to woo us without any kitsch, he probably would have given us something like this:
(Miu Miu)
(Pedro Garcia)
So thank you Miuccia and Pedro for not assuming that I am a cheap & easy philistine.
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